On behalf of the St. George staff, we offer our congratulations on the birth or upcoming birth of your child. We would like to convey you that we pray that God will bless and guide you in your preparation for baptism at St. George Catholic Church. And through baptism, we all become part of his adopted children, part of the royal, priestly people of God.
“Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as children of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission: Baptism is a sacrament of regeneration through water in the word.” (Catechism1213)
The sign of the Cross, on threshold of the celebration, marks with the imprint of Christ the one who is going to belong to him and signifies the grace of the redemption Christ won for us by his cross. (Catechism 1235)
"Baptism is the Sacrament of faith." But faith needs the community of believers. It is only within the faith of the Church that each of the faithful can believe. The faith required for Baptism is not a perfect and mature faith but a beginning that is called to develop. The Godparent(s) is/are asked "What do you ask of God's Church?" The response is "Faith!" (Mk 16:16) (Catechism 1253)
Therefore, by accepting the decision to baptize your child, you are allowing your child to be an adopted child of God, become royalty and receive a precious gift from God.
Requirements: Child must be under 7 years old
If older than seven, please contact the DRE Jose Adrian Garcia, for RCIA Adapted for Children or for RCIA for Adults
Provide member number, show proof of address, or submit Letter of Permission from home parish
If not a member of our parish, then reside within the St. George parish boundaries which are zip codes 76111, 76117, 76137
Child’s original birth certificate
Proof of attendance to a baptism preparation class
The chosen godparent(s) will be role models to your child on how to live his or her Catholic faith.
When discerning for godparents, please prayerfully consider based on the following requirements that must be met by all godparents.
Must be at least 16 years old and a practicing Catholic
Active Members of a Catholic Church (i.e. regular attendance of Sunday Mass, participating in the Eucharist, etc.)
Submit Godparent Form (provided by our parish)
If married in the Catholic Church, need Confirmation & Marriage Certificate; If single, need Certificate of Baptism, First Communion, & Confirmation
Proof of attendance to a baptism preparation class
Baptism Prep classes:
Spanish - 3rd Friday (Call to register)
English - Scheduled as needed (Call to schedule)
Classes held in the St. George School 7th grade classroom
Baptism Sacrament:
Baptism date is chosen once all documents above are received.
3rd Saturday/Sunday
Sat - 11am Spanish/English Celebration - No Mass
Sat - 5:30pm English Mass
Sun - 11:30am Spanish Mass
4th Sunday
Sun - 9:30am English Mass
Sun - 1:30pm Spanish Mass