How do I get to St. George?
St. George is located at 3500 Maurice Ave. Fort Worth, TX. Here is a map.
Where should I park?
Our parking lot is located on the corner of Maurice Ave and Karnes St. There is no reserved parking except for the ample handicapped-accessible spots. We ask that you never park in fire lines or on the grass.
Where do I enter the church?
Please enter through the south entrance of the church in between the school and the handicap parking.
When you visit
Visiting a new church can be intimidating: What should I wear? Where should I park? We understand the many thoughts that can come from visiting a new church, so we want you to feel completely comfortable when you visit. Below are some frequently asked questions. If you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to contact us or talk with an usher when you visit.
When are services?
Saturday Vigil: 5:30pm
Sunday: 9:30am
11:30am (Spanish)
1:30pm (Spanish)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 8:15am
Tuesday: No Mass
Thursday: 5:30pm (Spanish)
When is confession available?
Wednesday: 4:00pm - 5:00pm
also by appointment during office hours by calling the office
What should I wear?
We want you to feel comfortable. After all, we are thrilled that you're joining us and want you to be more focused on the service than what you're wearing. In the summertime, it's not uncommon to see people wearing sandals, shorts, and a shirt. Others prefer to still put on their "Sunday best," and that's fine too! However, we do request that shorts be of a conservative length (no “short-shorts”) and that in general, clothing be respectable and conservative.
I’m not Catholic ... so, how do I know when to sit, stand and kneel?
There’s no need to be self-conscious about the postures and responses used during worship. Most visitors just follow the lead of fellow parishioners. However, we do have worship aids located in each pew that provide you with the order of the mass, the postures, and the words to each prayer. If you don't see a worship aid in your pew, ask an usher, and they will be happy to bring you one.
I’m not Catholic ... is it okay for me to participate in communion?
Communion, or The Eucharist, is the most intimate expression of our faith. Catholics believe that the host is literally the body of Christ, transformed from bread by the priest presiding over the service. Most evangelicals think of Communion as symbolic, so it makes sense that they are not as strict about having the right relationship to it as Catholics and Orthodox Christians who believe it is a sacrament and the true presence of Christ. So, if you are not Catholic, we ask that you not receive communion. However, those not receiving the Body of Christ and Precious blood are asked to remain in their seats.
Am I expected to put money in the offering?
If you are visiting with us, we don't expect you to put money in the offering, and you are welcome to just let it pass you by. If you consider St. George your home parish, we'd love for you to prayerfully consider giving on a weekly basis. You can give by check or cash during the service.
Why is it so important that we register in a parish?
Isn't it good enough that we go to Mass?
Registration is the official way to join a parish community. Many people think that because they attend a particular parish they automatically belong. At times, young adults who have moved away for years think they are still signed up under their parents. But membership requires signing up & formally enrolling yourself in a parish. Your registration affects the parish in many ways. Census numbers can determine how many priests are assigned to a church, what benefits and obligations the community has to the diocese, and how Masses, Confessions, and devotions are planned and scheduled.
Registration shows you belong. It is also necessary for certain requests like scheduling sacraments, obtaining sponsor certificates, and getting donation statements for taxes. Registering in your parish is a statement of faith and confidence in the life and work of your parish.
Please note, occasionally a letter of reference, recommendation, or good standing for requests to become a godparent/sponsor for sacraments may be needed and the Parish Office can only provide that letter if we have record of you attending Mass and using your envelopes.
How can I become a member at St. George?
Download and print the form below. Once it is filled out, please submit to the parish office via email or in person.